The hydraulic cylinder utilizes clearance seal technology and floating regulation technology, thereby the floating clearance rod seal ring has a long service life. 本实用新型采用间隙密封技术及浮动调节技术,所以浮动式间隙杆密封环的寿命较高;
The hydro-cylinder is installed in the cylinder casing with small fitting clearance, which is sealed with a collar seal. 该蜗轮箱由蜗轮套及油缸两部分组成,油缸小间隙配合装配在缸套内,并用密封圈密封防漏。
As the working stroke of the telescopic sleeve cylinder is longer than that of the conventional, there is a clearance between the piston and cylinder bore as well as between the rod and guide sleeve which will cause cylinder break under heavy loading. 伸缩套筒式油缸的工作行程大,活塞与缸体内径间、活塞杆与导向套间都存有间隙,承受重载时容易引起屈曲破坏,为此应确定整体稳定的极限力。
The Effect of the Ship Longitudinal Bending Deformation on the Minimum Value of the Cylinder Assembly Clearance of Marine Horizontal Compressors 船舶总体弯曲变形对船用卧式压缩机气缸安装余隙最小值的影响
In the design of pistons, the leakage from clearance between piston and cylinder had been calculated by MATLAB and then the clearance was chosen as 6~ 10 μ m. 在柱塞的设计中,用MATLAB软件对柱塞和缸孔间的泄漏进行了仿真分析,在综合考虑了泄漏量和合作单位加工能力的情况下选取柱塞和缸孔间隙为6~10μm;
During designing and manufacturing the desired cylinder, the sealing problem under very high pressure and large clearance, eliminating the stress concentration and increasing the bearing capability are the key know-how. 超高压大间隙密封,可靠、无应力集中的液压缸结构,以及高承载能力的预应力设计是设计和制造大吨位超高压液压缸必须解决的关键技术问题。
The vibration diagnosis of cylinder clearance in diesel engine 柴油机缸壁间隙振动诊断
It is important how to make sure adjustable valves of multiple cylinder engine in the course of clearance adjustment of valve. 多缸发动机气门较多,气门间隙调整中关键是如何确定哪些是可调气门。
From the differences of the vibration acceleration signal power spectrum, the cylinder clearance can be diagnosed, so that whether the engine may be repaired or not can be determined. 根据不同的振动加速度功率谱,可以诊断出气缸壁间隙值以确定柴油机是否需要修理。
The influence of movement environment factors should be included into the design of the cylinder assembling remaining clearance of the marine horizontal compressor 船用卧式压缩机气缸安装余隙设计应计入运行环境因素的影响
For a marine horizontal compressor arranged along the ship longitudinal direction, the longitudinal bending deformation generated during the ship navigating on the waves will inevitably affect the cylinder running clearance of the horizontal compressor. 船舶在波浪中航行时所产生的总体弯曲变形不可避免地会影响沿船体纵向布置的卧式压缩机气缸运行余隙。
Research on Fault Monitoring and Diagnosing Ultra Cylinder Clearance for Diesel Engines 柴油机缸套间隙超磨耗标准故障监测诊断研究
Design Features of Cylinder Expansion and Axial Clearance in 300~ 400 MW Series Turbines 300~400MW汽轮机汽缸膨胀与轴向间隙的设计特点
Increase in liner wall thickness of cylinder will increase the rigidness, which is benefit to anti-cavitation erosion. The impact energy is decided by the tolerance clearance between piston and cylinder. 增加缸套的壁厚可以提高刚度,降低振动幅度,有效的防止空蚀发生;活塞对缸壁的冲击能量取决于活塞与缸套的配合间隙。
After be heat treated, the hot and cold deforming of cylinder head will be reduced, and the valve clearance becomes small. 缸头经过热处理,其冷热变形量越小,发动机的气门间隙就会越小,同时发动机的噪音也越小。